Has your company been through an I-9 audit?
One Source just went through one and we are pleased to announce we passed with no errors! We apply the same high standards internally as we do when reviewing your I-9s for processing through the E-Verify system. Here are a few quick tips we’ve picked up over the years:
- If you type up the I-9 form for the employee, you must fill out the preparer section.
- Spanish I-9s are not legal and should be used for translation purposes only.
- Exception: Puerto Rico
- You do not need to reverify once a Permanent Resident Card expires. In fact doing so could be a violation during an audit as it can be viewed as discriminative behavior.
- If One Source already manages your eVerify: you must reverify Employment Authorization Cards. One Source will email your primary account contact whenever a document like this is about to expire.
- Receipts are allowed if they fall under a special scenario. Check out I-9 Central to see if your situation fits.
- You must see the physical documents when completing Section 2 of the I-9, copies are not allowed.
- It is suggested you do a periodic self-audit, at least once a year. This will help you be prepared in case of an I-9 audit.
- If during the audit you find an error, make sure to attach a memo to the I-9 saying how you did or did not correct the error.
- Check out I-9 Central, this site is maintained by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and offers walkthroughs and examples of different I-9 scenarios.
Interested in learning more about One Source handling your E-Verify Services? Contact us today!