The Zen of Background Check Forms: 8 Tips for Accuracy

Ever have a vacancy that needs to be filled yesterday? One digit off or a blank field could delay your decision to move forward with an applicant. We thought it would be a good idea to give a simple reminder on the importance of accurately completing background check forms. To avoid delays on your next background report follow our tips below:

  1. Always enter full legal name: First Name, Middle Name and Last Name.
    • Do not enter nick names such as Rob for Robert or Ali for Alison.
    • Always include middle name or middle initial if possible. This will help identify an individual, especially with a common name.
  2. Be accurate when entering numbers such as date of birth and social security number. One number off could result in not reporting a criminal case.
  3. Enter the applicant’s position applied for and expected salary.
    • Entering this information will allow us to follow certain reporting restrictions that pre-empt the Fair Credit Reporting Act. See State Restriction on Criminal Reporting
    • By providing this information up front, One Source will be able to expedite your report.
  4. Review each form prior to entering or submitting to One Source.
  5. Catch a mistake? Contact us as soon as possible. It is much easier to correct errors in the beginning of the order rather than after it is complete.
  6. When completing an Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9:
    • Section 1: Completed by employees. Make sure employees complete all applicable fields in their entirety.
    • Section 2: Completed by employer. Don't overlook "Employee Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial from Section 1:"
  7. When securely uploading, faxing or mailing forms to One Source:
    • Always send forms separately. Do not include I-9 and abuse release forms in one scan or fax. One Source processes these at different times so it's best to send separately.
    • Do not include multiple applicants' information in one submission. Each applicant is processed individually.
  8. When an employer or landlord (End-User) orders a Consumer Report on an individual, the employer/landlord is responsible for specifying to One Source which components they would like included in the Consumer Report.

By following these 8 tips for accuracy, you ensure the best turnaround time for your reports. If you have questions or concerns about any form you are completing, please call our Client Relations Department at 800.608.3645 or email us at We are always happy to walk you through the process.

About Author

Ashley Azar
Ashley Azar

With over 9 years in the background screening industry, Ashley works with One Source clients to meet their specific needs and expectations. Having worked in several different departments, Ashley has vast experience in all of the services that One Source offers. This experience helps ensure clients are meeting their hiring and retention needs. With each association, the challenge of onboarding and policy excites Ashley.

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