But their background check came back clean!


A 6-part blog on why background checks miss records: Part 6

We’re in the home stretch. This is the final installment in this six-part series (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5) but no less important. In 2001 our nation suffered a horrific attack. In the wake of that tragedy, demand for background checks has exploded and continues to grow as does the need to check for potential criminal records outside of our own courts. Granted, it’s highly unlikely to discover that a potential applicant is on the no-fly list or has ties to terrorist organizations, but lack of probability does not justify lack of due diligence.

It is growing more and more standard for background check companies to include at least a handful of domestic and international sanctions and watchlists. The more they include, the better. Most should cover things like:

  • FBI
  • DEA
  • Interpol most wanted lists
  • No-fly lists
  • Terrorist Watchlists
  • OFAC

Again, it may be the least probable search to yield a result, but it is no less important. If you don’t do the search, you will miss the records.

Well, that wraps up the six areas that can result in missed records. It’s important now to take a good hard look at the background check package you currently use and ask the questions. What are the areas that you may not be searching as thoroughly as you should? If you need assistance in determining what type of searches are being done by your current provider, give me a call (402.933.9999 ext 5601). With no obligation, I will help you do a comprehensive analysis and see what areas may be leaving your organization open to risk.  


One Source’s TotalCheck and TotalCheck Plus packages include an extensive Global Watch report derived from over 70 domestic and international sources.

About Author

Greg Simmons
Greg Simmons

Greg oversees the nonprofit business development at One Source. He helps clients around the country and across a full range of industries, hire the right people by providing the most comprehensive pre-employment screening products and services.

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